Sunset Horseback Lessons

I happened to catch the end of this, as the sun was going down…

horseback lessons 1 holding reigns

My husband had decided to give the older two kids an impromptu horseback riding lesson.

My daughter was just slightly thrilled…

horseback lessons 2 big smile-2

In case you didn’t catch that…

horseback lessons 3 wrinkled nose


My oldest (and he does have the oldest child personality, even though he’s only the oldest by twenty fear-fraught minutes, during which the obstetricians yelled “PUUUSH!” and the anesthesiologist turned up the epidural, in case they needed to surgically extract my second-born and administer oxygen)…

Wait, where was I?

horseback lessons 4 responsible boy

Oh yes — my firstborn handled the horses like a pro.

I took pictures of him…

horseback lessons 6 rainbow

…but unfortunately for him, he doesn’t have hair that streams like a blaze of fire against the setting sun.

horseback lessons 7 streaming firey hair

In case you didn’t catch that…

horseback lessons 9 reigns

horseback lessons 10 more hair


horseback lessons 8 little smile

This mama’s heart was pounding with every hoof beat. I have one question:

Where is her helmet??!

horseback lessons 8 little flame

I didn’t spend 8.5 months having my abdomen distorted into Escher-ish proportions, only to lose her for failure to locate a hat.

horseback lessons 11 looking at camera

And that’s that.

horseback lessons 12 into the sunset

4 Responses to “Sunset Horseback Lessons”
  1. Judy says:


  2. BettySue says:

    I had to giggle just a little thinking of the child in me that has always “thrilled” on horseback in my mind but not actually on one until I was 50 yrs old and then God opened the flood gate and within one year I learned to ride and became a keeper of horses to eventually be gifted an Arabian gelding … the lessons God taught me with that horse still empower me … riding bareback as one racing the wind was a little girl fantasy … HE taught me stability [I was “a double minded person is unstable in all my ways”] when He brought me to a stable to reiterate the basics and the purpose of His calling … may we wear the helmet always…the helmet of His salvation!!

  3. Emily says:

    what pure joy captured in your pictures!!!! 🙂 ahhhh, how I love that glowy light at the end of the day!!

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