Irish Determination

Ever since my younger sister, Annie, learned to talk, she has been paving my way to adventures I never would have attempted on my own.

irish sign 2 vertical

I remember when she called to invite me on a trip to Ireland.

“What??!? You get a trip to Ireland for graduation?” I shrieked through the holes in the now-obsolete receiver. “Mom and Dad only got me a ring!”

“Well, now you get a ring and a trip to Ireland!”

Annie just makes practical sense like that.

irish sign 3 pencil marking

My tendency to overreact might be one reason she neglected to tell me she would be using our radial arm saw when she came to visit a couple days ago.

irish sign 4 marking

On her way to my house, she picked up Rigo — one of my husband’s younger brothers. He’s pretty good at keeping all of our extra “help” occupied.

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irish sign 6 dog

Annie has always jumped into projects feet first.

I don’t ever do that.

If I needed to use the radial arm saw, I would need to plan time to read the manual first. Without step-by-step directions, I could possibly make a Mistake!

irish sign 7 annie radial arm saw

Although I restrained myself from looking for the manual, I did ask her to please not cut off any fingers…

irish sign 8 baby over shoulder

“Change of plans, Rigo,” my sweet sister said.

irish sign 9 rigo radial arm saw

“We will not get to cut off any fingers today after all.”

irish sign 10 rigo radial arm saw

After Annie had roughly cut some 1x2s as borders for her St. Patrick’s Day sign, she spray painted the wood.

Chalkboard paint for the face of the sign…

irish sign 11 spray painting

And green paint for the border…

irish sign 12 spray paint

While we waited for the paint to dry, Annie fixed sandwiches for the kids. She asked what I wanted.

“A Southwest chicken wrap with minced onion, tomato, cilantro, and guacamole,” I joked. I didn’t have a recipe for that. I hadn’t added those ingredients to the Shopping Plan.

That’s the difference between me and Annie.

irish sign 9 lunch

We picked an Irish proverb that I liked. Annie used a chalk marker to start writing on the sign (freehand, of course).

irish sign 13 phone quote

(Tip: Brushing on an extra coat of black chalkboard paint – from any craft store – helps the chalk marker not to bleed. It’s also nice for correcting Mistakes, if you’re like me and feel more brave with an extra contingency plan.)

irish sign 14 wood glue

Add a little wood glue on the frames, and we’re done!

irish sign 15 place frame

irish sign 16 slideshow

Then it was time to chat.

irish sign 17 all done

Because out in the middle of nowhere, we roll like that.

irish sign 18 dog kiss

One Response to “Irish Determination”
  1. Judy says:

    delightful. Absolutely the whole thing. The people, the project (esp the handwriting), the pictures, the writing of the post, the wrap, even the dog. With your (very!) different gifts, you two both amaze me. No clue why the pics of Rigo brought tears. Think I miss him! Did it take the kids very long to warm up to him? 🙂 Oh, and when I saw the project at the first of the post, I thought it was something you’d bought! So cool.

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