Turning One

My baby boy – the child who will always be my “baby,” the youngest of our crew – is turning one.

The baby who arrived the minute my doctor could get there…

The baby whose first word was hug…

The baby who sings when he pounds on the piano…

The baby who, the other day, raced into the bathroom on hands and knees (because a mom of very little ones can’t use the bathroom with the door firmly closed), shook a wrapped toilet paper roll until the roll fell out (because the crinkly sound of the wrapping is satisfying), took a bite out of the toilet paper roll (because it looks delicious), raced to the bathtub and threw the roll in (score!).

His favorite word is car, followed by brmm brmm. He loves anything having to do with a ball – bouncing, rolling, tossing into boxes. He thinks the word for hair is “ouch.”

He is growing up as a typical youngest child: mauled, adored, shunned, bossed, kissed, and coddled by his siblings. He imitates them, laughs with them, shrieks at them, and messes up their toys.

With the twins having turned four this spring, and my baby turning one, I have high school graduation and empty nest syndrome staring me in the face.

Don’t grow up too quickly, baby boy. We have lots of years of memories to make together still.

Let’s go toss toilet paper rolls into the bathtub together, shall we?

7 Responses to “Turning One”
  1. Mom says:

    Love it! Made me happy inside.

  2. Happy birthday to your tender headed little cherub! How sweet he is, and what a lucky little man to have such a loving mother. You’re so right, they do grow up so fast. My little boy was one just a blink ago…then I turned back around and he’s thirteen.
    Give those sweet little thighs a squeeze for me.

  3. Emily says:

    Happy BIrthday, little man! He is so handsome!

  4. Mom says:

    Rigo and I were looking at this together, and he said to tell you that there is a shadow on one of your pictures. There isn’t, but he knew that would get you going! And he really did say that “she takes really good pictures.”

  5. Kerstin says:

    Happy birthday, Daniel! So good to see your sweet face today! Love you from all your cousins in Oklahoma (and aunt and uncle, too!).

  6. Annie says:

    Made me cry! I already love my son so much I can hardly stand it, and he’s not even here, yet! Such tenderness. I love that we will share in our “mama” tears together.

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