July 16 – Psalm 78:5-7

The ducklings and guinea keets (wish I’d known that word for your shower!) came today, with a 6AM call from the post office! Each little beak or bill gets dipped individually in the water, so it will know where to go when it gets thirsty. Some drink then, some come back later when they’re thirsty, but they all know where the water is. So true of our own little ones.

Psalm 78:5-7

He commanded our forefathers to teach their children so the next generation would know them…Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget His deeds.

One Response to “July 16 – Psalm 78:5-7”
  1. Shelly says:

    Love this post. That’s what teaching sunday school often feels like, too, a little beak going into the water.

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