August 7 – Hebrews 12:12-13
Hebrews 12:12-13
Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.
This is the point of all that has gone before in the last several verses in this chapter. And I think it’s a point we need to teach our children: how to respond to discipline.
I’ve seen over-reaction on both ends of the spectrum by both children and adults, including myself. Discouragement, as in “Oh, I’m so bad. I’ll never get it right. I might as well give up.” Eeyore’s voice helps.
Or the other extreme. Purely hypothetical, of course. “Ok, if he wants the house to look nicer, I’ll show him ‘nice house.'” And the unbearable fanatic is born.
Of course, neither extreme lasts very long. They’re both just emotional reactions. God is saying (and we need to teach our kids), “When I discipline you, it’s because I love you and it’s for your good. TAKE it that way, appreciate it, and make plans for improving.” So the discouraged do-nothing or the failed fanatic (whoever that might be!) might make plans to wash the dishes after each meal and pick up the house before she goes to bed every night and…well, you get the picture!